The world-renowned Tales series comes to Another Eden: The Cat Beyond Time and Space as characters from two of the series games join in the battle. Wright Flyer Studios are also starting a special campaign to gift players up to 4,000 Chronos stones.
Tales of Arise, the latest entry in the main series, will send over two of its protagonists, Alphen and Shionne, for the event. Rounding off the roster are Llyod and Colette from Tales of Symphonia, the best-selling entry in the series. The heroes are summoned from their worlds and encounter a girl who is potentially the key to humanity’s salvation. All characters can be unlocked simply by completing the Symphony: Crown of the Pale Dawn chapters, and even better, this crossover will be permanently available.
The collaboration brings with it new mechanics inspired by the two titles, including Converto Artes, special combination attacks that are activated by certain characters and skill combining. You can also experience fully-voiced, branching Skit conversations with other characters from the Tales universe, such as Genis and Dohalim.
To add to the spectacle, the opening animation for Symphony: Crown of the Pale Dawn has been produced by Production I.G, the team behind the Tales of Symphonia animations and other iconic series such as Ghost in the Shell. In addition, Kankakee Piero, the composer behind Tales of Arise’s opening theme returns to produce the crossover opening theme.
Even though this event itself is permanent, the limited-time rewards are just that, limited. When new players join before January 11th, they will be gifted 1,000 Chronos Stones, with all players gaining another 1,000 by starting the Symphony event. A further 100 Chronos Stones will be granted by logging in each day until January 8th. Finally, a treasure chest of 4 Green Keys and 2 Red Keys will be added to the Spacetime Rift every day until January 4th.
Another Eden: The Cat Beyond Time and Space is available to download from the App Store and Google Play.