World of Tanks Blitz has released some of it's greatest camoflagues of all time

By , on March 6, 2023
Last modified 1 year, 10 months ago

In what has to objectively be one of the silliest and greatest additions to a mobile game in recent memory, World of Tanks Blitz has announced the release of its latest camouflage because nothing says camouflage more than decorating your tank with a dinosaur head and rolling into battle.

If you aren't familiar with World of Tanks Blitz, it is what it sounds like. The portable younger sibling to the PC game World of Tanks, Blitz shrinks the action down for mobile but in no way reduces the fun. You pick from a catalogue of over 300 rolling war machines, set out into massive maps, and proceed to unleash explosive hell. Only now, as a dinosaur.

As dinosaurs were much the tanks of their time probably and possibly, you can now collect some pretty detailed camouflages for your tanks to combine the two behemoths of history. The Borfos Tornvgn will be able to don some spines to be the Stegosaurus and the STB-1 can don some stegs to become a Spinosaurus. Rounding out the pack, The T49 can cosplay as a Guanlong and not luck with different, whereas the M-VI-Yoh can be the Ankylosaurus.

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Not content to just make you look ridiculous and much easier to spot, if you use these skins you will be treated to a holographic roaring dinosaur as you play. You can see this beast in the Garage, just before a battle, and, of course, whenever you destroy an opponent.

Until March 8th you can earn yourself the chance to be rewarded with some of these camouflages by dealing as much damage as possible in regular and rating battles. The 45 tank commanders who amass the most damage will earn the T49, M-VI-Yoh, and STB-1 skins, which is a pretty fun way to earn rewards.

To become a shell-spitting beast, download War of Tanks: Blitz now from the App Store and Google Play.