One Punch Man blasts on Summoner War: Chronicles later this month

By , on April 17, 2023
Last modified 1 year, 9 months ago

Com2uS has announced a serious collaboration between its MMORPG Summoners War: Chronicles, and one of the biggest animes out there, One Punch Man. When the event launches on April 27th, you will be able to recruit some of the iconic characters.

For those who managed to miss the series exploding into popular culture in 2015, One Punch Man follows the story of Saitama, an obscenely powerful hero who can withstand a lot of damage and take down his foes in one punch. It started as a webcomic in 2009, then spread into manga and anime forms, taking the world by storm, and now, it arrives on Summoner War: Chronicles.

The trailer doesn’t give us too much information, but we do get a good eyeful of what monster we can expect. Genos, the Tornado of Terror, Garou and more look to be coming to the game, and if those are just a list of names to you, just know this is a list of seriously powerful fighters. Interestingly enough, there doesn't seem to be footage of Saitama himself in the trailer, however, it’s a fair assumption that he too will be available, just probably not able to one-shot everyone.

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To celebrate this momentous collaboration, there are two events to participate in for some serious rewards. Until May 26th, you can head to the official Special Development Event site for the chance to win an iPhone and some Airpods, which is a nice bonus. Then, complete some training sessions given by Saitama and his friends for some training coupons that will boost you to level 60.

Secondly, the 10-day Development Event is a great way to get yourself ready to welcome new recruits. By logging in for, you guessed it, 10 days before May 26th you can net some rewards such as 4 and 5-star Elite Training Coupons, some Elite Scrolls, 500 Breath of Lifes’, and more. Just be aware that they will only stay in your Inbox for 7 days, so don’t forget to claim them.

To prepare for Saitama and co, download Summoners War: Chronicles now from the App Store and Google Play.