It is time to hunt for Goldbeards Treasure in Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds

By , on May 5, 2023
Last modified 1 year, 9 months ago

One thing that always makes every universe better is of course, pirates, and thanks to the latest update for Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds, fans of the MMORPG can do all the things we love. You can take on a fearsome pirate lord, go hunting for treasure, and get your hands on some new goodies.

In this new episode, Goldbeard’s Treasure Island, you will have the ability to discover the aptly named Treasure Island by taking down the dreaded pirate-turned-Kraken, which sounds fantastic, Goldbeard. The Exclusive episode stores and Reputation Quests will have solo and five-player versions, with rewards such as Episode EXP, Palm Tree IslandPuzzles Packs and a 4-Star Purrloiner.

The Vermuda Archipelago will be your new playground, with a variety of islands holding their own secrets to uncover. You can get equipment rewards such as Pirate Badges, Pirade Code Piece Chest, and a Suspicious Key, which sounds very intriguing. Using the Telescope, you can research the skills needed to get through the episode, which you will need to upgrade through Episode EXP, so farm those dungeons.

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There are three new events to check out, starting with Find The Secret Navigation Log. By gathering these logs, you can exchange them for items such as Crystal Orb Summon Coupon, Miraculous Crystal Orb Warding Doll, and most importantly, Goldbeard’s Hat.

You can power up your Purrloiners in the Power Up Event, giving you the chance to get the growth items need to boost your buddies. Finally, play the Catch Pirate King Cluu minigame to nab some prizes like a 6-star Toy Chest, Familiar Summon Coupons and Toy Combining Kits.

Through the Episode Pass, you can grab some nice gear like a 4 Star Purrlioners, the First Mate title, and Familiar Summon Coupons. If you upgrade to the Premium Pass you can also get a Luxurious Palm Tree Island Puzzle Pack and Pirate Badges.

Download Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds from the App Store and Google Play now.