Cosy indie sensation Unpacking is heading for mobile this year

By , on June 13, 2023
Last modified 1 year, 7 months ago

Whilst Humble Bundle is mostly known for its eponymous bundles of cheap video games that bloat our Steam libraries every month, they also operate an indie video game publisher, Humble Games. They have had quite a few hits, but now one of their undisputed top titans, Unpacking, is coming to mobile devices.

Developed by Witch Bean, Unpacking is pretty much what it says on the tin. You follow the life of a female protagonist as she moves into eight different abodes through the years, from 1997 to 2018, and it is down to you to unpack her boxes and organise your new home. You will start with a single room to unbox and decorate, before advancing to multiple rooms, to a full house.

It is a very calming, de-stressing time simply taking out items and deciding where they will go on in what room, but without all the fuss of physically moving homes yourself. You will get to explore every closet and shelf of your homes throughout the decades as you try to fit all your belongings in the space, whilst putting your own spin on things.

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Whilst the game sounds very simple, and it is to be fair, that doesn’t mean that it isn't great, far from it. When Unpacking was released in 2021 it immediately started its unstoppable march through the Awards. It has taken Game of the Year from different publications in 2021 and 2022, has won two BAFTA awards for Best Narrative and EE Game of the Year, and is currently in the running for a Peabody Award.

Whatever way you like your games, massive AAA or humble little indies, seeing a small, wholesome little slice-of-life game become an award-slaying giant is something we can all get behind. Unpacking will be coming to the App Store and Google Play in 2023.