More things that go bump in the night arrive in the newest update to Phobies

By , on June 26, 2023
Last modified 1 year, 6 months ago

I hope you aren't of a nervous disposition, as the brand new Phobies update is launching on June 27th. Under Pressure adds new characters to its nightmare-ish roster, new skills, massive changes to maps, and the new Event Pass as a way to access amazing new rewards.

You will be introduced to a few new interesting friends to pick up, with six brand-new abilities to try out. This will open up a brand new range of teams to try out and synergies to get your head around. As fun as it is to stick to the old tried and tested classics, you are going to want to branch out because some of these skills sound pretty excellent.

The Radihater is an example of patience being the best course of action, and is my personal pick of the new crop. His AOE will take two turns to charge, but when he goes off, you are in trouble if you get close. Obviously, a skill like this is easy to avoid, but you can’t discount its control capabilities, allowing you to effectively herd enemies for two turns.

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Two of the other new Phobies would combine rather well with Radihater to get a stranglehold on the map. Lila can set up Disease-causing traps, further enhancing your area denial, and Furanceface uses its flame-spitting abilities to generate a smokescreen that reduces damage taken by all Phobies, friendly or otherwise, hidden in the cloud. These three Phobies can really dictate the flow of the game.

If you’ve felt like you are a master of map management and are looking for a new challenge, you are in luck. This new update is introducing a few new maps, as well as two new hazards. The poisonous and disease-ridden areas are places you obviously don’t want to stray into, but if you can get your opponent's units in there, you may be able to pull off a few new tactics.

Phobies can be downloaded free from the App Store and Google Play.