It is time for some beach fun in Lego Bricktales' latest free DLC

By , on July 13, 2023
Last modified 1 year, 6 months ago

If there are two things that everybody loves, it's Lego and free stuff, and Lego Bricktales have those in spades this summer. Released on PC and coming soon to mobile, Bricktales owners will have access to a new summer-themed DLC to get stuck into.

This isn't the first time that Clockstone and Thunderful have given out free DLC, with this summer edition following the Easter update, a charming forest world full of bunnies and chickens. It was some top-quality work for a free giveaway, so there's no reason to think they will skimp on summer fun.

Our summer-themed diorama takes place on that sacred hub of sun-based japery; the beach. You can frolic on the beach, huddle around the fire, or enjoy the band that has been booked to play. Or you could if the festival hadn’t misplaced their stage builders. It is up to you, as it so often is, to use your brick-building brilliance to get the party started.

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It is fair to say that this particular diorama isn't as populated as some of the others, even compared to the Easter event, however, there is something quite quaint and charming about this beach scene where you can spend your summer. A lovely beach, the mesmerizing stage, and the stoic lighthouse keeping watch, sometimes less is more.

This new island features five new construction puzzles to sink your teeth into, including designing speaker scaffolding for the band. There is also one new traversal puzzle to get moving with. If flashing lights distract you, then the animated stage LEDs and the fireworks display will definitely catch your attention. For fashionistas, there are three new wardrobe items that can only be brought with this summer island currency, and when you are finished with all the building and coin collecting, kick back and enjoy the two new music tracks.

Lego Bricktales is available on the App Store and Google Play for $4.99.