Face off with one of your greatest foes as the Fort Forinthry season closes in Runescape

By , on July 18, 2023
Last modified 1 year, 5 months ago

The countdown is well and truly on until RuneScape releases its much anticipated Necromancy combat style next month, but in the meantime, there is danger brewing much closer to home. Steel yourself for the epic conclusion to the Fort Forinthry season, in Dead and Buried.

As you may recall at the end of Unwelcome Guests, your dreaded foe Zemouregal managed to slip through your fingers and disappear behind a dragonkin door in the Wilderness crypt. Team up with fan favourite character The Raptor to venture into the dungeon and confront the Necromancer Zemouregal, just in time to learn his skills for yourself in August.

As you are of course an intrepid adventurer who no Fort can tie down, it would probably be a good idea to leave your guards with a bit of gear to repel any invaders whilst you are away, so make sure to build the new Ranger’s Workroom to kit them out with crossbows. But don’t worry, safety isn't the only benefit of this new building.

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Remember all that wood you’ve been cutting thanks to the recent Fort Forestry update? You can put it all to good use and use the new Workroom to train your Fletching skill. Doing so will grant you some pretty heavy XP boosts, so you will be Robin Hood in no time. Also, you will unlock one of the four Wisdom of Anima perks, granting access to the most powerful versions of Elder God Arrows.

If you manage to finish the Dead and Buried story, you will get yourselves a quest point, a nice bundle of XP lamps (don’t forget to save any combat ones) and two Treasure Hunter keys. The catch? You need to be a member for all the Fort Forinthry content, and you will need to be a level 10 Slayer with level 50 Construction.

Runescape is available to download now from the App Store and Google Play.