Level Infinite announces upcoming entry to legendary franchise with Command and Conquer Legions

By , on August 23, 2023
Last modified 1 year, 4 months ago

Way back in the year 1997, EA went ahead and released one of the greatest RTS games on PC, Command and Conquer: Red Alert, then followed up with an equally amazing sequel three years later. Now, spool forward many years, and a few aching body parts for those of us around for the release, and Level Infinite is picking up the legendary series, announcing Legions.

Having full access to the C&C universe thanks to a licensing agreement with Electronic Arts, Level Infinite is currently developing what is to be a love letter to the series, featuring iconic heroes, villains, factions, and units from across all the games. Just as well another developer has stepped in, or EA would be charging us $20.00 for every unit recruited.

Legions will feature both PvE and PvP battles, set against the backdrop of a conflict to collect Tiberium, a powerful resource that can be used for technological advancement, or to rain down destruction on your enemies, so you don’t want that just lying around. You will be able to form alliances with other commanders on your huge map to work together and claim locations, build outposts, and conquer cities.


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When announcing the new project, Level Infinites’ Senior Director, Anthony Crouts, said: “Legions is being created with both mobile platforms and mobile gamers in mind, matching the way people play on their devices with shorter, faster sessions and streamlined controls. The mobile strategy gameplay of Legions provides a new type of experience while presenting familiar units, heroes and aspects of previous C&C games.”

Command and Conquer Legions will be available for Android and iOS devices later this year, however, if you are lucky enough to reside in Australia, Canada, France, Mexico, New Zealand or the Philippines, you could be lucky enough to try out the Closed Beta Test later this month. Pre-orders are available through the official website now.