Turkey fever hits Evermore as Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds holds Thanskgiving events

By , on November 23, 2023
Last modified 1 year, 1 month ago

The unrelenting holiday season marches onwards, with Thanksgiving getting its hooks into everything, including Ni No Kuno: Cross Worlds' latest event. Chow down and some turkey and empty your pockets as a host of special missions are coming your way with some mouthwatering prizes.

What’s Thanksgiving without turkey? Nothing, besides the actual meaning of the day, but that’s beside the point. Ni no Kuni focuses on the food, and by completing a variety of missions under the Thanksgiving Turkey Feast, you will earn Event Tasting Tickets. These in turn can be handed in to play a special mini-game which has a host of Thanksgiving food items, as well as limited-time rewards such as a Thanksgiving 4-Star Familiar Selection Capsule.

Another set of missions is available under the Thanksgiving Taste of Heaven banner and will earn you Gold or Energy Drinks to keep your character going. Complete them all and you will even get the Taste of Heaven Weapon Costume. After you have had your fill of these missions, it is time to move on to that most unholy of days; Black Friday.

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That’s right, get in cause it’s time to go shopping with two commerce-based events. The Black Friday Shopping Support Event will net you a Rare 4-Star Darkness Familiar Selection Capsule and a 5-Star Darkness Exclusive Toy Selection Chest if you complete the missions. If you need somewhere to spend all your coins, Muse the Travelling Merchant will also be appearing more often during this event.

For those looking for a real challenge, head to the new Raid Dungeon. Forward Base Depths is full of complex traps and trials that will require precision coordination between players. If you prefer the more solo approach, then Netmarble has you covered with the new AI support system. The AI mode in Dimensional Border and Interstellar Space Party will allow you to tackle content with four NPCs, and I for one am thankful for this new tool.

Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds is available on the App Store and Google Play.