Play Together unveils gigantic update to its Pet System

By , on December 12, 2023
Last modified 1 year, 1 month ago

If there is something that any video game would benefit from, it is a good, in-depth pet system, and that message seems to have arrived at Haegin if the latest update to its social network game Play Together is anything to go by. There were always pets on Kaia Island, but now they are bigger and better.

In this case, rather literally, the first-ever Huge Pet has been unleashed on the residents in the new and improved Pet Paradise. You will be getting Clifford the Big Red Dog flashbacks as you bond with this goodest of boys, and eventually unlock the ability to ride with Retriever Pet. That’s right, dog jousting is now an achievable, if somewhat morally questionable, goal.

Whilst you can’t saddle up most pets, you can now take part in a variety of new interactions such as petting and holding up, cueing all the Lion King reenactments. Players will also have the option to inspect their best friend more closely, with information such as Level, EXP, desires and more all being viewable. Most importantly of all though, some multi-passenger vehicles can now accommodate pets, so say goodbye to all you passenger princesses, that’s the Notorious D.O.Gs’ seat now.

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This new Paradise also has a host of missions to attend, which will reward you with Pet Coins. There is another way to collect these, should your heart be blacker than the deepest depths of Davy Jone’s locker, and your soul be already claimed by the Dark Lord himself. You could sell your pets for more Coins. Heathens.

Finally, you may not notice those rewards popping up as you bond with your humongous dog, but two attendance events are happening right now, with rewards such as Retriever Ears Hairband and Rolling Snowballs up for grabs. From the 14th, you could also help Santa’s Elves collect Stars that have landed in Kaia during the Santa’s Very Busy Workshop event.

To start riding around town with your dog handing out the passenger window, download Play Together now from the App Store and Google Play.