Waven prepares to properly set sail as the last season of Lance Dur also introduces the main story

By , on December 20, 2023
Last modified 1 year ago

It has been so action-packed, that you would be forgiven for forgetting that Waven is still well in its infancy, so much so that it is still in Early Access. We are beginning to emerge from that cocoon, however, with the final chapter in the Lance Dur Season releasing, and bringing with it the beginnings of the main quest.

For those who have played for a while, at this point you have probably visited every available island a dozen times over. Budding explores can rejoice though, as two new island nations will now be visitable. Amakna and Albuera will add a lot of new challenges, with the latter specifically being noteworthy for its high-level combat.

The final chapter of Lance Dur is named after this very difficult island, so you will get to know it well. Albuera will also introduce a new hero to meet, Astramantis, provided you have the Platinum Pass. Those with Gold and above will also get 30-day access to the Lance Dur animated series, which will most likely be required watching for lore aficionados.

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Content for all to enjoy will also be arriving, chief amongst which is the promise of the main quest. Well, technically it is the prologue, but you have to start somewhere, and it is about time. To fully immerse yourself in the world, Waven is also introducing open chat, to help communication flow a bit more freely. Finally, but by no means least, the official soundtrack will be released on all streaming platforms on December 22nd. It includes Volumes 1 and 2, as well as a rather exciting Concerts album.

Now this is all genuinely very exciting, but here is the old kick in the pants. Ankama has also noted that they will be pushing back the 1.0 mobile launch. A disappointment to be sure, but at least it should ensure the true quality when it finally fully graces the App Store and Google Play.