NEXON turns February into an excellent time to turn your hand to Blue Archive

By , on February 12, 2024
Last modified 1 year ago

Blue Archive is one of those mobile games that everyone at this point knows about, and if you were going to try it, you probably already have. If you're one of the few who hasn't, though, NEXON is making February the perfect month for it with a massive reward campaign, free premium currency, and four powerful characters up for grabs.

The Triple Rewards Campaign will run until February 19th. During this, players will receive more goodies for completing Lessons and Scrimmages, three times more if they didn’t pick that up. Add this to the double account experience earnings until February 17th; you will be rocketing through content in no time.

Logging in before the 17th will also net you 1,200 Pyroxene as a Lunar New Year celebration, just in time for the two recruitment banners running. Starting with the new, you can pick up Hanako (Swimsuit), a Sonic damage character with a water gauge that can be filled when allies use their EX skills. Each charge, up to two, increases her Attack, and expanding one will let you keep her EX skill card in hand after use.

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Mika has the rather exciting sub-skill of guaranteeing every attack will be a critical hit. Add this to the damage boost, and she will be wiping out targets left and right. Unfortunately, her EX Skill only hit a single enemy, otherwise the combination would be broken. It does, however, deal insane damage, which hits harder the more HP they have, a perfect opener for tough opponents.

Our second banner brings back Wakamo, the fox mask-wearing ally whose EX Skill is a pretty strong whack, but for ten seconds after all damage dealt to the target is added up, and then the total is inflicted again as Mystic type, enough to knock out almost anyone. Finally tagging along is Hoshino (Swimsuit), who can boost ally attack damage by nearly 40%. Short, simple, but very desirable.

Blue Archive can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play.