Demain Saga welcomes a new SSR Hero as well as Season Two of Adventure

By , on February 28, 2024
Last modified 11 months, 1 week ago

HAEGIN has announced a new update for their RPG Demian Saga, and it comes with more Adventure content, a Hero Formation upgrade, and a Poseia SSR Hero to recruit. Even better, there will be an event where players might unlock this character for free.

If you like to pick your team based on a player's cool factor, then Udine should be up there as a descendant of the Water Dragon. She also happens to be a mermaid who guards an underwater kingdom as the Supreme Commander, winning acclaim due to her leadership skills.

That all means nothing if she can’t back it up in battle though of course, but thankfully Udines packs some good utility. She excels at incapacitating opponents, having the ability to impart debuffs such as poison and fear, as well as smashing their formation whilst dealing constant damage.

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Undine’s Ultimate skill is also quite noteworthy. Breach will see our hero fire out of a body of water that sprouts in the designated location, whilst dealing an additional attack as she jumps back in. When timed right she can hit multiple enemies, as well as poison them, because we all know a surprise fish is the most poisonous thing.

For those interested in recruiting Undine, make sure you are playing on the 27th of February. The New Hero Event will be celebrating our waterlogged leader for 14 days, with players having a chance to acquire her up to two times, and what is better than a free SSR Hero? Maybe more content to play through.

Luckily, Haegin has us covered on that, as the second season of Adventure kicks off to the tune of three new chapters. After battling Hakhin in Season One, the story moves on by following Aisha, who must realise her powers to save the world. To help with this impossible task, the maximum level for Hero formations has increased to 50.

Demian Saga is available to download from the App Store and Google Play.