KartRider Rush+ enters the medieval realm with new Camelot season

By , on June 14, 2024
Last modified 7 months ago

I am a big fan of mythology; Greek, Roman, and especially Norse to name a few, but sadly as a Brit we lack those grandiose stories of pantheons and giants and the like. What we do have are the Arthurian legends though which are fascinating in their own right, and are the focus of the new KartRider Rush+ season.

Camelot, as the 26th season has been knighted, comes equipped with two new Arthurian tracks, Pendragon Castle and the Knights Camp. You can also revisit the Mine in the Cascading Waterfalls, which sounds particularly pretty. Of course, there are new wheels to enjoy this new location in, with the Inferno Ranger and Astral Ranger bursting onto the track. Not particularly mythical sounding really when Excalibur is right there but there you go.

Luckily we do get a few Arthuian-themed characters to collect, starting with the man himself who is kicking back in the Kart Center. Take part in the Ranking Matches and you can recruit Knight Chen Chen, or try your luck with events to get Alchemist Naiad or Romantic Knight Baeji. Finally, July will bring us the very intriguing-sounding Archmage Odin through a future event.

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In a bit of a Marmite move, Super Items will be available to use in Ranked Mode for even more powerful race-breaking abilities. Until July 7th you can complete a series of quests for Mask Shards, and trade them for items such as the Nobleman and Noblewoman Outfits. You can also collect Owl’s Letters to net yourself Messenger Owl pets and more until July 25th.

Thanks to the Wizard War Master Event you will pick up Stamps and K-Coins with your first victory in Ranked Mode per day, up until August 1st. Keep racking up the stamps and you will earn more K-Coins and Accelerations Crests. Finally, complete a set of missions to earn Nitro Shards to grab the keys for the epic Marathon Knight kart.

KartRider Rush+ is available to download from the App Store and Google Play.