Experience the grand finale of the Helix saga in Postknight 2

By , on July 18, 2024
Last modified 3 months ago

Your time in the deserts of Helix is drawing to a close as Postknight 2: turning Tides v2.5 has launched. Venture to a new area with the Walking City of Dev’loka, and brace yourself for a story of war, rebellion, and subterfuge as you fight new enemies, collect new gear, and perhaps earn that coveted Rank-S title.

This update brings a close to Helix’s tale, as Raz, Almond, and Rho’don desperately battle to right their wrongs, against the backdrop of the mechanical walking city dubbed Dev’loka. Located in a barren land with scarce resources, Rho-don will need to set aside the prejudices learned from the once-enslaved Exiled, build connections with the noble Wyord Families, and topple an unjust Champion to divert a war.

Of course, the biggest addition to this update is the new area; The Walking City Dev’loka. Home to the Wyords of the Helix desert, it hums with the green glow of electricity. The noble Families live lavishly on the surface, but as always, there beats a dark heart and hidden secret under the surface.

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In order to combat this new threat, you need to dress with a new set of armour. Gear up with this upgraded equipment and do battle with moss-patched Machines and creatures prowling Dev’loka’s underbelly. To give you a bit of a boost, use Amber and Aqua potions to help you defeat these monstrosities.

Perform well enough and you might just earn yourself the Rank-S title for your troubles. You can even recruit two new pets to your side to help on your journey. Enjoy a chatty adventure with the talkative Wickwalk, or bask in the presence of the sophisticated premium pet, Sanguin. All this and more are waiting to be uncovered.

Postknights 2 is available to download from the App Store and Google Play.