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10 diabolically difficult replays from Geometry Dash

Feature By Ananth Shastri, 9 years, 5 months ago
10 diabolically difficult replays from Geometry Dash

Although our fascination with tough games dates back to the origins of gaming itself, there’s been a “difficulty renaissance” of late - just look at Super Hexagon, Pivvot, and Impossible Road, all of which are painfully challenging. But Geometry Dash takes the sub-genre one step further: it includes a level editor, which - rather predictably - has spawned madness. When coupled with the inventive brutality of its players, Geometry Dash’s rhythm-based auto-scrolling really comes into its own, as demonstrated by the following runs. If you've got the chops to top these, post your own replays in the comments. The music is awesome, but you probably won’t hear much o…

7 ridiculously hard stages from Geometry Dash

Feature By Peter Willington, 10 years, 2 months ago
7 ridiculously hard stages from Geometry Dash

Geometry Dash is a hard game, and features some absurdly challenging levels in it that will prove tough to even the most patient, dedicated, and skilful of hardcore video gamers. Seriously, some of the stages are stupidly, ridiculously, supremely difficult, and take ages to complete, let alone master. But just how hard is hard? I've collected a bunch of video evidence off of that Everyplay, and attempt to convey just how hard these levels are. Hard. Harder than hard. Harder than that. Harder than working out a very hard equation. Harder than a hard boiled egg that went to the school of hard knocks. Harder than 40 hard men from Chard, who have done hard time in prison for b…