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Now you can flip your bike over in abject frustration with friends in Trials Frontier's PvP update

News By Glen Fox, 10 years ago
Now you can flip your bike over in abject frustration with friends in Trials Frontier's PvP update

Mobiles are an entirely social tool. You're constantly receiving calls, texts, messenger messages, and a whole host of other irritating pop-ups that cover your beautiful wallpaper. So why, then, don't more mobile games contain PvP so we can play against our friends? Well, Ubisoft have got the message and have updated the, quite frankly, awesome Trials Frontier with a new PvP mode that allows you to do just that. Check out the trailer below for a look at the new mode in action.…

Genre Busters: Stunt Racers (Twitch catch-up)

Feature By Glen Fox, 10 years ago
Genre Busters: Stunt Racers (Twitch catch-up)

Yesterday evening, James and Peter of AppSpy casted a critical eye over four iOS stunt racers in a rather lively Twitch streaming session. MotoHeroz, Offroad Legends 2, Trials Frontier, and Joe Danger Infinity were the games of choice and, in case you missed it, we've included the full video below for your viewing pleasure. If you like what you see then why not join us this evening on Twitch (and every other weekday evening from now on) at 5PM, where there will be more games being played and more fun being had. Just don't forget to hit that lovely 'follow' button before you leave.…