Home » Apps with tag 'Transformers: Battle Tactics'

Hands-on with Transformers: Battle Tactics, in which we see whether you should be Jazz'd, or if this strategy game will make you Starscream

Feature By Peter Willington, 10 years ago
Hands-on with Transformers: Battle Tactics, in which we see whether you should be Jazz'd, or if this strategy game will make you Starscream

There's been a few Transformers games released of late, stretching from top quality tie-in auto-runners, to extremely niche pseudo re-releases. Transformers: Battle Tactics is a free-to-play turn-based strategy game that asks you to form a party of Transformers, upgrade them, and then take on a variety of other Transformers. It's currently in soft-launch in a couple of territories, but if you have a Canadian account you can start playing now via the link at the bottom of this article. [App Store link]…