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Heroes become traders when the quest is over suggests Wizards & Wagons

Preferred By AppSpy Staff, 9 years, 3 months ago
Heroes become traders when the quest is over suggests Wizards & Wagons

If Wizards & Wagons is to be believed you become a trader when you've completed your main quest and slew the Demon Lord. And that's probably for the best as you, a has-been hero, have been down on your luck after becoming penniless and homeless. At your lowest ebb, a wizard businessman turns up and offers you another chance at fame and fortune - and the chance to buy your house back - by travelling the world in a wagon trading goods. And that's exactly what you get up to in Wizards & Wagons. You'll set out on a grand adventure to a ton of unique towns trading supplies with the locals. On the way you'll face ruthless highwaymen, evil monsters, and even a gigantic turtle so you'll…