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Forget Batman v Superman - here are 7 superhero movies that deserve to be rediscovered

Feature By Jon Mundy, 8 years, 7 months ago
Forget Batman v Superman - here are 7 superhero movies that deserve to be rediscovered

With Batman v Superman recently made available to buy on iTunes and other digital stores, we thought now would be a good time to look at a few oft-forgotten superhero films you can generally buy or rent for much cheaper. These ones don't suck, either. Head off on a tour of the usual digital movie sites this week and you'll doubtless get the hard sell on Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. The film's release at retail has been nicely timed to coincide with Comic-Con, and the first trailers for follow-up films Justice League and Wonder Woman. Of course, as high-profile as Batman v Superman is, most sources will agree that it simply isn't very good. If you want to see a genuinely decent super…