Home » Apps with tag 'Final Fantasy Dimensions'

Mobius Final Fantasy isn't the first mobile-focused Final Fantasy game

Feature By Jon Mundy, 8 years, 6 months ago
Mobius Final Fantasy isn't the first mobile-focused Final Fantasy game

The western launch this week of Mobius Final Fantasy reminds us that it's not all about conversions of the big numbered console RPG series for Square Enix. Indeed, there are already some unique mobile-focused Final Fantasy games on the App Store. You can now play enhanced versions of Final Fantasies I through to IX (though Final Fantasy VIII has been skipped, for some reason) on your iPhone or iPad. That's a pretty spectacular thought. In addition to these conversions, however, there's a handful of Final Fantasy oddities on the App Store that have been made specifically for mobile - of which Mobius Final Fantasy is only the very latest. Final Fantasy Dimensions Final Fantasy Dimen…