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Hidden Gem of the Week: Knotmania

Feature By Christian Valentin, 6 years, 11 months ago
Hidden Gem of the Week: Knotmania

The zen puzzler is somewhat rare on mobile. Often many of the more minimalist games that avoid timers or other pressure still revolve around mechanics that can be challenging or tricky. The figurine winding of Zenbound and the silhouette construction of Shadowmatic fall into the category of simple, calmly paced puzzlers and so does this week’s hidden gem Knotmania. Rather than untying ropes or threads, Knotmania takes a more quirky approach: untangling living creatures, a twisted knot of squirming textured worms. Begin tugging and dragging and, as expected, they resist and twist away, moving in slow graceful movements as if through water or in zero gravity. With both a single worm o…