Home » Apps with tag 'Sling Ming'
Sling Ming is a swinging sci-fi story-driven puzzler headed to iOS and Android
By Christian Valentin,
6 years, 10 months ago
Exploring an alien planet looks to be a charmingly fun affair in the upcoming Sling Ming, an "on-rails" adventure following a brave traveler through the mysterious environments of another world by way of oxygen pipelines. Each of the game's fifty-plus stage is a gauntlet of enemies, hazards, and puzzle elements navigated by dragging nodes to alter your path, as your titular hero swings along the pipes; timing your movement between nodes with the arc of her swing is as important as where you place nodes, letting you collect coins or dodge projectiles with your back-and-forth motions. As the narrative moves from the sunny exteriors to the deadly caverns and alien ruins within, Sling Ming in…