Home » Apps with tag 'Command & Conquer: Rivals'
Command & Conquer: Rivals is fast-paced multiplayer strategy headed to iOS and Android
By Christian Valentin,
6 years, 8 months ago
Command & Conquer: Rivals is an upcoming mobile distillation of the classic PC strategy series, combining the series' sci-fi warfare and setting with a fast-paced touch-friendly design for iOS and Android. Inspired by games like Clash Royale, Rivals pits players against eachother on the battlefield, tasking each with placing turrets and defenses and unleashing their ground forces to overcome their opponents and take control of a central nuclear missile hub. While you consruct facilities and support structures with your precious Tiberium resources, controlling your infrantry and armored vehicles and mechs is more involved, letting you direct units with taps as their forward movemt…