Home » Apps with tag ' Games Workshop'

Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf is out right now, here's everything you need to know

Feature By Peter Willington, 10 years, 3 months ago
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf is out right now, here's everything you need to know

We've just had word from HeroCraft that Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf is now available globally. AppSpy has covered the game intensely since it was announced in August 2013, all the way up to the release date being confirmed last week. For those that missed some of our coverage though, here's what to expect... There's a huge single player campaign in which you fight the minions of Chaos - The Word Bearers, to be exact - across the galaxy, in turn-based combat. A big wodge of this solo stuff can be seen in the dedicated stream we ran. Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf is free-to-play, meaning you'll both earn and potentially purchase the cards you add to a customisable and fully upgradable deck…

This brutal GIF of a Space Wolf Scout shooting a Chaos Marine and shattering his skull is all sorts of awesome

News By Peter Willington, 10 years, 3 months ago
This brutal GIF of a Space Wolf Scout shooting a Chaos Marine and shattering his skull is all sorts of awesome

As Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf approaches launch, Herocraft has popped us over a GIF, and I just had to share it with you. It's a Space Wolf Scout with a Sniper Rifle, taking aim and firing at one of the legion of Chaos. And it is absolutely devastating. PS. You grabbed your code for a free Booster already, right?…

Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf comes to iOS in less than one week's time

News By Peter Willington, 10 years, 3 months ago
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf comes to iOS in less than one week's time

Have you noticed how, on AppSpy, when we like the look of something we bring you as much coverage as we possibly can? Have you noticed how we've been covering HeroCraft's Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf quite closely? First there was news of its announcement, then we brought you the announcement trailer, then we went hands-on, then we gave you a code for cool stuff in the soft-launched version, and then another while doing an entire stream dedicated to this turn-based strategy game. Well here's some more news for you: it's out on October 28th on iOS, for free, and to play you'll need an iPad 3, iPad mini 2, iPhone 5 or better. This is the new trailer. We're excited. Are you?…

Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf is in soft-launch, we have codes for rare cards and extra currency

Feature By Peter Willington, 10 years, 3 months ago
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf is in soft-launch, we have codes for rare cards and extra currency

I've been raving about strategy / card game Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf since we first covered the debut trailer, and then went hands-on with a very early build of the game. The super Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf is now in soft-launch in Sweden and South Africa, and since it's really easy to get yourself an account for any country you gosh darn like, you should probably go check it out. Not convinced? Alright then, how about some free loot, just for getting in on the ground floor? Head to the Shop Menu when you've completed the tutorial and enter the promo code; SOFTCODE Doing so will give you a free rare card, plus a bunch of extra currency to get you started too. There, now you've go…

Hands-on with Blood Bowl, the totally confusing adaptation of the classic Games Workshop tabletop game

Feature By Peter Willington, 10 years, 6 months ago
Hands-on with Blood Bowl, the totally confusing adaptation of the classic Games Workshop tabletop game

I have been playing video games for a quarter of a century now, and I have been covering them in an editorial capacity for coming up on 6 years. I'm well-versed at how games work, and I've played plenty of duds. But I can't recall any I've played, certainly in recent memory, that have left me as bewildered and confused as this iPad and Android tablet adaptation of Blood Bowl. It's an accurate take on the Games Workshop game that inspired it - a game I used to love playing as a teenager - but in hiding away so many of the systems that govern play, Blood Bowl gives so little information to the player that you struggle to understand why a throw succeeded or failed, why one die is better than…

Games Workshop's Warhammer Quest going cheap on the App Store

News By Alex Beech, 10 years, 12 months ago
Games Workshop's Warhammer Quest going cheap on the App Store

Games Workshop's board game conversion Warhammer Quest is currently on sale for 69p / 99c, down from £2.99 / $4.99. We had a lot of fun with Warhammer Quest when it arrived on the App Store last year. Building a party of adventures, you can guide wizards, warriors, and a host of other heroic classes against the hordes of chaos. As you explore dungeons and other subterranean areas, you have to use tactics, magic, and big swords to emerge victorious against the orks, skeletons, and other evils that stand in your way. Offering hours of turn based adventuring, we think 69p / 99c is a steal for Warhammer Quest. We recommend you pull on your +3 Boots of Bargaining and hea…