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Hands-on with Tank Biathlon, where tanks are raced to see which team can smash a shed in the fastest time
By Peter Willington,
10 years, 6 months ago
The Tank Biathlon is an actual real thing. It is, in many ways, the perfect subject for a video game: dumb, explosive, and competed in by males with a propensity for aggression. A company called Grotburn OU thinks Tank Biathlon would make a great game too, and has therefore gone and created Tank Biathlon, a free-to-play minigame collection of sorts that, as I note in the video, feels a lot like Track & Field: Tank Edition. The controls are spotty, the announcer annoying, but those visuals are very nice indeed and the concept is pretty fun. Also you drive through wooden sheds with enjoyable regularity, which is surprisingly fun.…