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The best Call of Duty games for iPhone and iPad

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 10 months ago
The best Call of Duty games for iPhone and iPad

With King looking for developers to work on its new Call of Duty game, I thought it was high time to look at the Call of Duty games that are already out on mobile. And because here at AppSpy we're super fans of content in list form, I've decided that the best way to show you the best CoD games on mobile is with a list. A list that's going to start after the next paragraph. As usual you can click on the emboldened name of the game to go to the App Store and download it. And if you disagree with any of our choices then chuck them in the comments right down there at the bottom of the page. Call of Duty: Heroes It's Clash of Duty of Heroes With Clans. Build up your own base, people if with…

The Monday Musing - What can we expect from King's Call of Duty mobile game?

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 10 months ago
The Monday Musing - What can we expect from King's Call of Duty mobile game?

The big news over the last week has revolved around a job posting. Oh boo, you might say, that's not that interesting, why don't you go and write about something interesting Harry you useless sack of human garbage. Well, when the job posting was on King's website - yup, the developer behind Candy Crush, Bubble Witch, and a number of other puzzling mobile sagas - and it concerns Call of Duty - yup, the world's foremost shooty bang bang man game - then I think it counts as interesting. No, don't worry, there's no need to apologise, I'm used to the insults. Anyway, that's what this week's Monday Musing is all about. What can we expect from Candy Call of Duty Saga? Here are some ideas. It's…

The 5 best games for iPhone and iPad this week - April 17th

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 10 months ago
The 5 best games for iPhone and iPad this week - April 17th

Oh look, it's the end of the week. How on earth did that happen? I have literally no idea. Well, I have some inkling, but it's not enough to base a hypothesis on just yet. What was I talking about? Oh yeah, Friday. Every Friday here at AppSpy we like to break down for you the five best games that came out on the App Store this week. And that's exactly what I'm going to do right now. As per usual, click on the emboldened name of a game below and you'll be taken to the App Store where you can download it. Won't that be exciting for you, you little scamps. Cell 13 - £2.99 / $2.99 A clever puzzling platformer that plays around with portals. And holes. And switches. And a bunch of oth…

Gangstar New Orleans guide for iPhone, iPad, and Android - Part 5: Hints and tricks

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 10 months ago
Gangstar New Orleans guide for iPhone, iPad, and Android - Part 5: Hints and tricks

In this last part of our guide to Gangstar: New Orleans we're going to walk you through some of the tips and tricks you're going to need to climb to the top of the criminal ladder. Is criminality a ladder? I honestly have no idea. Anyway, we hope you've enjoyed reading through the guide, and that it's helped you chase your dreams of becoming the best (worst?) criminal that New Orleans has ever seen. That's the dream, right? Without further ado, here's some words to lead you through that final stretch. And if you've got any ideas of your own to add, feel free to stick them in the comments at the bottom of the article. Don't die It might sound like a silly thing to say, but not dying is ke…

Gangstar New Orleans guide for iPhone, iPad, and Android - Part 4: Advanced tips

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 10 months ago
Gangstar New Orleans guide for iPhone, iPad, and Android - Part 4: Advanced tips

So you've got this far in Gangstar: New Orleans, but now you're looking for some tips and tricks that are going to push your criminality on to the next level. Well don't you worry, we're here to help. In this fourth part of our guide to Gameloft's latest crime sim we're going to look at some advanced tips to make sure that you're pushing your empire of wrongdoing in the right direction. Tomorrow we'll throw out some tips and hints to finish things off, but right now we're going to focus on making sure players who've stuck a lot of time into the game are pushing in the right direction. I mean, it'd be embarrassing if they weren't, right? Choose your battles It's important to make sure you…

The Thursday Find - Cell 13

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 10 months ago
The Thursday Find - Cell 13

Oh Thursday, you beautiful ragamuffin. What have you been doing while the other days had their turn? Maybe we'll never know. Maybe we're not supposed to know. Ah well, them's the breaks. If you've been paying any attention you'll know that Thursday is when we here at AppSpy go and find a game you should be playing this week. We call this service the Thursday Find. Because it sounds nice. Today we've got a lovely puzzler for you. I mean, it's not lovely, it's hard as nails and you'll probably scream at it a lot. But it's really good all the same. Cell 13 - £2.99 / $2.99 Have you ever wondered what would happen if Portal took place in 2D? And threw a bunch of other puzzling elements…

Gangstar New Orleans guide for iPhone, iPad, and Android - Part 3: Play without spending

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 10 months ago
Gangstar New Orleans guide for iPhone, iPad, and Android - Part 3: Play without spending

In today's instalment of our Gangstar: New Orleans guide, we're going to look at how you can get the most out of the game without paying a shiny penny. There are a number of ways to do this, and we'll break them down for you. Tomorrow we're going to look at some more advanced tips and tricks, because that's the sort of thing we like to do on Thursday. So make sure you come back for that if you can, it'd be lovely to see you. Right now though, put your wallet away and let's pick through some strategies that will ensure you're not bankrupting yourself to be the best criminal that ever did crime. Rewards Make sure you check in regularly to get as many rewards as you can. The game isn't shy…

The best games on sale for iPhone and iPad right now - April 5th

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 10 months ago
The best games on sale for iPhone and iPad right now - April 5th

Oh look it's Wednesday. So that means it's time to round up the best games that are on sale on the App Store right now. And looking down my list well, there are a couple of really good games going for cheap right now. As ever you can click on the emboldened name of a game to download it. And there's one game here that you absolutely should grab if you haven't already, because it's incredible. Ah, but which one? This one... Her Story - £2.99 / $2.99 A brilliant and entrancing story about a murder. But it's much more than that. Told through video clips that you watch in a disjointed order, this is a tale that twists and turns as you delve deeper into it. It's a game that's tough to…

Gangstar New Orleans guide for iPhone, iPad, and Android - Part 2: Missions, thugs and upgrades

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 10 months ago
Gangstar New Orleans guide for iPhone, iPad, and Android - Part 2: Missions, thugs and upgrades

In this part of our guide to Gangstar: New Orleans, we're going to look at some of the different missions, challenges, and ideas that the game throws at you. Basically we want you to know what you're getting into before you're getting into it. Come back tomorrow and we'll be having a gander at how you can get the most out of the game without spending a single shiny penny. Because let's be honest now, that's exactly the sort of thing we all want to avoid. For now though, let's get a bit deeper into the comings and goings at the heart of Gangstar: New Orleans, and find out what they're all about. Missions There are two types of missions on your map, story missions and influence missions. S…

Gangstar New Orleans guide for iPhone, iPad, and Android - Part 1: The basics

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 10 months ago
Gangstar New Orleans guide for iPhone, iPad, and Android - Part 1: The basics

So you've decided you want to be the most crimey criminal that the world has ever seen? But how to do it? Well first you're going to want to download Gangstar: New Orleans. I mean, being a criminal in the real world is super naughty. But what then? If only some kind hearted, SEO-focused soul had created a step by step guide to getting the most out of the game. Oh, wait. They have. It was me. You're freakin' welcome. In this part of the guide we're going to look through the basics of the game to ensure that you've got to grips with everything you need to know before we leap into the ins and outs of the more complex bits of the game. Shooting There are two cores of the game, shooting and d…

The Monday Musing - The best WWE games for iPhone and iPad

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 10 months ago
The Monday Musing - The best WWE games for iPhone and iPad

In today's Monday Musing I thought we'd have a look at the best WWE games you can download on mobile. Why did I think that? Because there was some important wrestling over the weekend and so everyone is searching for wrestling. SEO genius right here. Anyway, the Undertaker might have retired, but that doesn't mean you can't pick up one of these games and do some throws, grapples, or whatever else it is that you do when you're wrestling. I honestly don't know. As ever, click on the emboldened names of the games to download them. Oh, and if you think I've missed out a wrestling gem, which is entirely possible, feel free to add your own suggestions in the comments below. WWE Immortals - Free…

The 5 best games for iPhone and iPad this week - March 31st

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 11 months ago
The 5 best games for iPhone and iPad this week - March 31st

Well, that was the week that was. Some games came out, Samsung announced a new phone, I ate some biscuits. Pretty hectic if you ask me. Which I notice you didn't. Anyway, our last post of the week usually rounds up the five best games that hit the App Store this week. And that's exactly what we're going to do right now. After all, we're traditionalists here at AppSpy. As ever click on the emboldened names of the games in the list below and you'll be whisked away to the App Store to download them. And if you think we've missed anything feel free to have your say in the comments below. Dynasty Warriors: Unleashed - Free A solid and engaging, free to play take on the Dynasty Warriors seri…

Gangstar New Orleans is out right now for iPhone, iPad, and Android - Here's everything you need to know

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 11 months ago
Gangstar New Orleans is out right now for iPhone, iPad, and Android - Here's everything you need to know

Gangstar: New Orleans is the latest in Gameloft's murdery crime franchise. Think GTA on mobile and you're about half way there. Well, actually you're about all of the way there. But what do you need to know before you jump into the game's world of car-jackings, drug deals, and all manner of other underworld activities? Well, you need to know everything in the list just below. You can click on the emboldened name of the game to head over to the App Store where you can download it for free. And join us next week where we'll be going over the game with a fine-tooth comb in one of our massive guides. Gangstar: New Orleans - Free What is it? Like the intro says, it's the newest in Gameloft's…

The Samsung Galaxy S8 - What's it going to be like for gamers

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 11 months ago
The Samsung Galaxy S8 - What's it going to be like for gamers

Well, Samsung went right ahead and announced the Galaxy S8 last night. It's the newest in the South Korean firm's range of smartphones, and it's got a few new features that gamers are definitely going to be interested in. And a few potential problems too. Now I know we usually just cover iOS on AppSpy, but I thought that this well well worth a look all the same. After all, as the saying goes, know your enemy. Therefore I have created some list-based content for your eyes. We're also going to have a ponder about whether the phone might replace your trusty iPhone as your go-to gaming device. So, without further me typing out an intro, here's everything that gamers need to know about the Sams…

The Thursday Find - Dodge Blast

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 11 months ago
The Thursday Find - Dodge Blast

This week's Thursday Find is a game that, at first glance at least, might look a little simple. I mean, scratch away the surface and you'll find that the game is, in fact, pretty darn simple. It just so happens it's a lot of fun as well. It's called Dodge Blast, and it's out on the App Store right now, and it won't cost you anything to download it and give it a go. But how does it play? Well you're going to have to read the rest of the article to find out, aren't you? As ever, click on the emboldened name of the game below to download it from the App Store. Dodge Blast - Free Dodge Blast is a game that takes the inherent shape of the old school arcade shooter, strips away a good chunk of…