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These are the 5 best tower defence games for iPhone

Feature By Harry Slater, 6 years, 4 months ago
These are the 5 best tower defence games for iPhone

There are loads of genres that are synonymous with mobile, and one of those is tower defence. It's sort of fallen onto hard times in recent years though, with more powerful phones able to deal with more complex games. That doesn't mean you should ignore tower defence games though, far from it. Because while they might seem a tad old fashioned now, the best ones still offer some bite-sized strategy when you're on the go. And, on top of that, they're often an awful lot of fun. And who doesn't like fun? No one important, that's for sure. That said, if you think we've missed anything out from our list, then be sure to let us know, in the kindest way possible, in the comments section at the bot…

The 5 best mobile horror games to play this halloween

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 4 months ago
The 5 best mobile horror games to play this halloween

The season of spooks is upon us which means it's time to dust off your masks, maybe don't risk using last year's face paints, and pick out your very finest selection of horror films ready for Halloween. Of course, having a handful of excellent horror games is always a must for these events, isn't it? I don't know what you've been playing or if you've played much - folks who don't like getting scared should probably give this one a miss - but these games are perfect for such a season. Get your cosiest blanket, lock the doors, grab a cuppa, and crack on with any of these lads while you've still got the nerve. Five Nights at Freddy's - download on iOS Of course Five Nights at Freddy's is in…

Catch up on AppSpy's latest gaming videos: October 5th

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 4 months ago
Catch up on AppSpy's latest gaming videos: October 5th

Another week down and dusted and we're peering into the abyss that is the weekend. Whether you've got plans or not just yet, it doesn't really matter. What matters is catching up on what's been going on over at AppSpy's YouTube channel. What's this? AppSpy's channel is looking a bit different, you say? Why, yes! It's had a bit of a makeover and, though it's always been related to Pocket Gamer, it's now merging into it further. That doesn't mean things are changing though, so don't worry yourself too much. There'll still be awesome content and plenty of mobile gameplay videos, hands-ons, and reviews to dive into – just like these ones. Professor Layton and the Curious Village –…

5 super stylish fighting games for iPhone and iPad

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 4 months ago
5 super stylish fighting games for iPhone and iPad

I know fighting is frowned upon in real life unless you're a boxer or cage fighter, but sometimes a good fighting game can really be everything you look for in a mobile game. It's quite satisfying to beat the tosh out of digital forms, especially when they're as stylish as these. While I don't condone violence in day-to-day life there are so many fantastic fighters on iOS that it's genuinely hard to just pick five. These may not be your personal favourites – leave those in the comments down below – but you'll have a brilliant time with them. Promise. Skullgirls – download on iOS Sometimes it's hard to believe that Skullgirls is free-to-play. This 2D fighting absolutely…

5 Pinball games to play on iPhone and iPad

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 4 months ago
5 Pinball games to play on iPhone and iPad

I'm sure everyone reading this knows what Pinball is, whether you've played it at a bar or on your laptops a good few years back. Well, as you're probably aware the Pinball market on mobile is booming and you're not short of choices. How do you separate the good ones from the iffy ones? That's where this list comes in. In a matter of speaking, one Pinball game is a lot like another, but it's the design of the table that makes it stand out. We've seen a whole variety of them across a huge range of film and game-based themes, but these are the ones you should start with. PinOut! – download on iOS If you love neon lights, awesome beats, and endless arcade action, PinOut! is a game tha…

The 5 best turn-based mobile games for iOS

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 4 months ago
The 5 best turn-based mobile games for iOS

I think, deep down, everyone has the ability to enjoy a good turn-based game whatever their great love is. It's just about finding the best of the bunch and the right game to suit your needs. While strategy games may revel in making you think before you shoot, it gives you a larger appreciation for the slower side of combat and management. In most cases if you charge into a room, guns a'blazing, you probably won't survive to see another sunrise… in-game. It's all about what you choose to do in that particular moment and living with the consequences of your actions. Your decisions might lead you to victory, or they might have unforeseen effects you're not quite prepared for. That's t…

The 5 best physics-based mobile puzzlers for iOS

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 5 months ago
The 5 best physics-based mobile puzzlers for iOS

Puzzlers come in all shapes and sizes, and it's hard not to find something charming about each one. Whether they're ultra-complicated or focus on one key element, ultimately the success of a good puzzler is in its enjoyment. It's easy to sit down and slowly figure out how to piece together a challenge, but physics-based puzzlers need a little bit of thought, a little bit of skill, and in some cases a little bit of luck. These five show off the very best of the sub-genre in their appearance and their cleverness. You'll likely find when playing them that they're rather moreish and may make you think "wow, that's clever" when you progress through the levels. Supertype - download on iOS If y…

5 cracking PC games you can play on iOS

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 5 months ago
5 cracking PC games you can play on iOS

It's a dream for a lot of mobile gamers to be able to play PC games on mobile. Sure, we're getting closer each year – even closer with Nintendo Switch out and about – but there's no need to feel lost. There are far more than five cracking iOS ports to knuckle down with, but these are a few you simply cannot miss out on. They're nitty, gritty, rich, deep, and well worth the money you pay for them. What's more, these titles actually feel rather at home on iOS. Yep, you can feel at ease, people, there aren't any vexing controls or questionable framerates to be seen here. Papers, Please – download on iOS Ooo, if you haven't yet had the chance to have a go at this one yet o…

Catch up on AppSpy's latest gaming videos: September 21st

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 5 months ago
Catch up on AppSpy's latest gaming videos: September 21st

Happy Friday, readers! I hope your weather has been better than ours here in the UK, and if not I hope you weren't caught in it at least. Another week's passed us by and James has been busy over on AppSpy's YouTube channel. Only a week after Pocket Gamer Connects, there's been a lot to do between the lines, but we've had some quality content to check out. What? You haven't watched this week's videos yet? Well then, lucky for you we're here to make your life that much more convenient. Aren't we nice? Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Champions - download on iOS James had a whack at the recently-released Warhammer card game, AoS: Champions, and found it rather enjoyable. Though it's got the makings…

The 5 best detective mobile games for iOS

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 5 months ago
The 5 best detective mobile games for iOS

Alright, so yesterday I laid out some of the best room escape-style games and I guess I'm in a bit of a mystery-solving mood as of late. I'm not talking about your typical puzzlers, I mean mysteries that really need deductive reasoning. These titles make you think a little harder than usual and you'll feel so good figuring out each tiny piece. That's why these sorts of games may not be for everyone – each victory is small, but it progresses you further into the story. Layton's Mystery Journey – download on iOS When Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaire's Conspiracy first launched on iOS, it was uncertain whether it would be a success on mobile when it was de…

The best premium room escape mobile games for iOS

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 5 months ago
The best premium room escape mobile games for iOS

Whatever your stance on 'Room Escape' games, you have to admit that they're seriously fun and satisfying when things go right. In a way they make you feel like a genius or special agent/detective when you're piecing together clues and figuring out the puzzles. Sure, some don't allow you much freedom and come off a little amateurish, but there are some cracking ones out there you've simply got to play. Hopefully you can see where this is going 'cos these five 'Room Escape'-style games are a good investment. They may cost a pretty penny, but the payoff is well worth it. The Room – download on iOS Shock horror, I know. If you're a mobile gamer and haven't played any of The Room serie…

The 5 best story-driven games you need to play on mobile

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 5 months ago
The 5 best story-driven games you need to play on mobile

Everyone has their own preference when it comes to mobile gaming. You may enjoy a good mix of genres, but there'll always be one thing in particular that makes you tick. For me, if you're familiar with my work over on Pocket Gamer, it's story-based games. Whatever the visuals, whatever the task or challenge, whatever the price, whatever the length, if it's got a fantastic story, I'll be into it. If you're looking for some seriously good mobile games with cracking stories, you should really start with these ones. Thimbleweed Park – download on iOS If you're all about mysteries, point-and-click puzzles, X-Files, and games that are made by Ron Gilbert, you should go get this immediat…

5 strategy mobile games for iOS that play as good as they look

Feature By Himanshu Cheeta, 6 years, 5 months ago
5 strategy mobile games for iOS that play as good as they look

Updated 30th November 2021. Original post by Emily Sowden, updated by Himanshu Cheeta When it comes to strategy games, there is a huge variety on the app stores.; it becomes very difficult to choose a specific title. There is a myth that the majority of strategy games do not have good visuals. But it is not true because even strategy games can have astounding graphics. Fortunately, this article will feature the top 5 games with the best visuals and gameplay experience. Strategy games generally tend to involve the player completely, and so it needs focus and concentration because you have to brainstorm ideas to progress. They are quite helpful for improving the strategizing part of your min…

The best mobile gaming videos from AppSpy's YouTube channel: September 14th

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 5 months ago
The best mobile gaming videos from AppSpy's YouTube channel: September 14th

Another week's come and gone and it's been a bit of a quiet one over here on AppSpy. Mr. James Gilmour has been off being a cool dude at Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki, so we're not drowning in videos. However, the ones we've got are definitely worth watching and we'd hate for you to miss a single second. So, because we're super nice and don't want you lifting a finger on a Friday (except to click the video), we've collected them in a tidy little list below. Wall Kickers – download on iOS One-touch games can be a little hit or miss, but if you're looking for one to settle into this weekend you'll definitely want to give Wall Kickers a go. While it feels like a game you've played b…

5 excellent free-to-play mobile puzzlers for iOS

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 5 months ago
5 excellent free-to-play mobile puzzlers for iOS

Alright, going all in with action-oriented games is fun, but sometimes you just fancy kicking back with something that'll work your mind more than your reflexes. You don't have to be a genius to have a go with most puzzlers and in today's list you don't even have to spend a penny to jump in and start playing. No, these are simple, easy to get into, and overall rather fun. Obviously five is a small number, so let us know what some of your favourite other titles are in the comments down below. Infinite West – download on iOS With a style similar to the ever-loved GO games, this isn't just another grid-based puzzler. It's a little bit like chess, a little bit board game, and throws a…