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This Is Not a Test: A Survival RPG Comic has had a massive reboot, updated version available now on iOS

News By Peter Willington, 10 years, 4 months ago
This Is Not a Test: A Survival RPG Comic has had a massive reboot, updated version available now on iOS

If releases like Sorcery! are Game Books, then This Is Not a Test is a Game Comic Book. Set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, This Is Not a Test: A Survival RPG Comic asks you to figure out what happened to the world around you and, more importantly, challenges you to survive against all odds. The game's been out for a while now - since 2013, fact fans - but it's just gone through a major overhaul based on feedback from players. Here's the new trailer... Fancy taking a look for yourself? Here's the link you need to do exactly that. [App Store link]…