Home » Apps with tag ' Prune'

Hidden Gem of the Week: Prune

Feature By Christian Valentin, 6 years, 10 months ago
Hidden Gem of the Week: Prune

Prune is one of those games that can easily stand alongside titles like Monument Valley, The Room, Framed, as unique puzzle games designed both to be accessible withoit being too easy and to be feel well-suited as an experience on mobile througn clever touch controls. Prune's core concept is an appealing one: grow a tree, lead it to the light and watch its flowers bloom. Swiping on the screen lets you perform the titular action, slicing away branches to steer the growing tree towards the sunlight, within narrow passages, and around obstacles. Prune's simple to grasp design doesn't preclude it from challenge though. Red spheres threaten to infect your tree, powerful winds blend branches, g…

The 6 best iOS games to play when Autumn finally rolls in

Feature By AppSpy Staff, 8 years, 5 months ago
The 6 best iOS games to play when Autumn finally rolls in

The seasons are starting to turn, the leaves are starting to fall, the nights are drawing in and soon you'll have to throw away those hot pants and put on some sensible thermal trousers that your mother would be proud of. Okay so it's not Autumn yet, and only in the Northern hemisphere, but here are a bunch of iOS games to keep you warm when the winds are whipping through skeleton trees and everyone's started banging on about Halloween. Road Not Taken A beautiful, meditative puzzler from Spry Fox. It's part roguelike, part head-scratcher, and all absolutely lovely. Imagine a game made from all the colours of autumn and you're pretty much there. This is iOS gaming at its most lovely, so…