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Solve visual programming puzzles when While True: Learn() comes to iOS and Android in 2018

News By Christian Valentin, 7 years ago
Solve visual programming puzzles when While True: Learn() comes to iOS and Android in 2018

Mobile is no stranger to programming-based puzzlers, from Zachtronics’ early SpaceChem to the charming Human Resource Machine. But outside of TIS-100, most are abstractions of the concept; While True: Learn() promises an interesting approach, focused on placing you in the chair of a machine learning specialist, when the game launches on mobile this year. Acting with intent as a puzzle game and an educational tool, While True: Learn() presents you with problems themed around managing data and code for various tasks, and then gives you a toolbox of components to solve these logistical puzzles. It seems simple in execution - no actual coding, just dragging and connecting deci…