Home » Apps with tag 'Dragon Quest VIII'

Cor blimey! Dragon Quest VIII receives 25% discount on iOS and Android

News By Peter Willington, 10 years, 5 months ago
Cor blimey! Dragon Quest VIII receives 25% discount on iOS and Android

My favourite JRPG ever is Dragon Quest VIII, and I love the fact that I can now play it on my mobile. The other members of Team AppSpy tend to agree, and we like it so much, in fact, that we featured it in our list of the best Square Enix JRPGs on iOS. The game is currently on sale, sporting a not-too-shabby 25% off, bringing the price down to $14.99 / £10.49. So if you go get it now you'll not only be nabbing yourself a chunky 75 hours of glorious and inventive JRPG adventure, filled with memorable characters, an exquisite soundtrack, and highly detailed visuals, but you'll also be saving a few smackeroos at the same time. Will you be picking up Dragon Quest VIII at this discount…

AppSpy Plays: Dragon Quest VIII, live on Twitch! (5pm UK | 9am Pacific | 12 noon Eastern)

Feature By Danny Russell, 10 years, 8 months ago
AppSpy Plays: Dragon Quest VIII, live on Twitch! (5pm UK | 9am Pacific | 12 noon Eastern)

Today we'll be playing the brand new release of Dragon Quest VIII that appeared on iOS just yesterday. As well as giving you the low-down on how this portrait port of the PlayStation 2 original looks, plays, and feels, we're going to give away four codes for the game that the lovely folk over at Square-Enix provided us with. Reckon you're a bit of a Dragon Quest boffin? Tune in and see if you can answer our questions to grab this rather brilliant, but rather expensive, classic Japanese RPG! We’ll be streaming from our Twitch channel from 5pm UK / 9am Pacific / 12 noon Eastern time for around an hour. Get there early to take part in some news banter, and make sure you ‘Follow'…