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Hands-on with Dragon Quest, the JRPG masterpiece, rejuvenated

Feature By Peter Willington, 10 years, 4 months ago
Hands-on with Dragon Quest, the JRPG masterpiece, rejuvenated

Originally released on the Famicom back in the mid-eighties, Dragon Quest is about as “classic” as classic JRPGs get. Koichi Nakamura, Koichi Sugiyama, Yuji Horii, and Akira Toriyama all collaborated on this genre defining first entry in the series, laying the groundwork for decades to come. It's now available on iOS and Android, so I've grabbed a code to show you the very early moments of the game, to give you a sense of how the game plays.…

Dragon Quest I is coming to western mobiles this September, rest of the series to follow shortly

News By Peter Willington, 10 years, 5 months ago
Dragon Quest I is coming to western mobiles this September, rest of the series to follow shortly

Let's not bury the lead here: Dragon Quest I is headed to English-speaking territories, and the other Dragon Quest games will join it soon after. In an interview with Siliconera, the producer of the Dragon Quest mobile series Noriyoshi Fujimoto stated that; "We are going to be releasing (in order) from Dragon Quest I, starting sometime in September, and then we'll be releasing subsequent games like Dragon Quest II and Dragon Quest III every month, maybe every two months" "In terms of pricing, it’s still yet to be determined - but because these are classic games, the cost will probably be lower than Dragon Quest VIII and Dragon Quest IV" Fujimoto also went on to explain that these…

Cor blimey! Dragon Quest VIII receives 25% discount on iOS and Android

News By Peter Willington, 10 years, 5 months ago
Cor blimey! Dragon Quest VIII receives 25% discount on iOS and Android

My favourite JRPG ever is Dragon Quest VIII, and I love the fact that I can now play it on my mobile. The other members of Team AppSpy tend to agree, and we like it so much, in fact, that we featured it in our list of the best Square Enix JRPGs on iOS. The game is currently on sale, sporting a not-too-shabby 25% off, bringing the price down to $14.99 / £10.49. So if you go get it now you'll not only be nabbing yourself a chunky 75 hours of glorious and inventive JRPG adventure, filled with memorable characters, an exquisite soundtrack, and highly detailed visuals, but you'll also be saving a few smackeroos at the same time. Will you be picking up Dragon Quest VIII at this discount…

The best Square Enix JRPGs on the iOS App Store

Feature By Peter Willington, 10 years, 5 months ago
The best Square Enix JRPGs on the iOS App Store

We'll be the first to admit that Square Enix's JRPGs are a little on the pricey side when compared to other iOS games, but we'll also tell you that the entry price is tiny when you consider their quality and value for money. Still, we know that splashing out on a game you might not like is a daunting prospect, so we've gone ahead and made a video showing off the very best of Squeenix's JRPGs that have so far appeared on Apple hardware. If you're not up for the whole hour-long stream, you can click the name of the title you'd like to see more of below, and you'll be whizzed straight to the part of the video that we start playing. 1. Chrono Trigger2. Secret of Mana3. Dragon Quest VIII4. F…

Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen is headed to Western smartphones

News By Peter Willington, 10 years, 6 months ago
Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen is headed to Western smartphones

During an announcement of its Gamescom line-up, Square Enix dropped a massive bomb for fans of JRPGs - Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen will be released on mobiles and tablets in the West. It's a port of the Nintendo DS remake, and includes the additional and changed content from that version, such as the extra story chapter. We're also hearing that it features quick saves, and multiple combat speed options, which will be a blessing for adventurers on the go. If you're yet to play a Dragon Quest, then this could well be a great place to start. The plot follows multiple characters from very different walks of life, as their stories all begin to weave into one another's, and this ad…