Home » Articles and Reviews by 'Harry Slater'

The Thursday Find - Evergrow

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 11 months ago
The Thursday Find - Evergrow

Thursday has rumbled around like a thing that rumbles around every seven days. And that means it's time to dig up a gem from the games that came out this week and tell you why you should think about giving it a go. It's been a pretty good week for mobile gaming as well, so deciding what I should tell you to grab was pretty tricky. Fret ye not though, because I got there in the end. You can click on the emboldened name of the game just below this paragraph if you want to download it. And I think you should. But what is it? Well, what indeed. It's... Evergrow - £2.99 / $2.99 Evergrow mashes together a few genres and comes up with something that's actually pretty special. You're in co…

The 3 best Tin Man Games adventures you can play on your iPad and iPhone

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 11 months ago
The 3 best Tin Man Games adventures you can play on your iPad and iPhone

Tin Man Games has got a new version of the classic gamebook The Warlock of Firetop Mountain coming out next week, so I thought this was a pretty good time to look at some of the company’s other games and decide which three are the best. Yeah, that’s right, it’s time for one of those articles where I make subjective choices about games in order to get you riled up and shouting at me in the comments. Alas though, it never really works. Anyway, if you’re just starting your Tin Man journey, these three games are the ones you should be starting with. And if you click on their emboldened names you’ll be taken to the App Store where you can download them. Awwwwww yea…

The best games on sale on iPad and iPhone right now - February 15th

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 11 months ago
The best games on sale on iPad and iPhone right now - February 15th

It’s Wednesday, the middle of the week, and that means it’s time for us to have a long hard look at five of the best games that are on sale on the App Store right now. And for the first time in a while it’s actually been pretty tough to pick which ones to add to the list. Basically everything here is a gem, and there are other gems on sale as well. But I’m a discerning gem-picker with an eye for quality, so these are the ones I’ve gone for. Click on the emboldened name of the game and you’ll be whisked away to the App Store where you can buy the game. You’re welcome. Motorsport Manager - Free Where the likes of New Star Soccer kick around whims…

5 games you shouldn't play with your significant other this Valentine's Day

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 11 months ago
5 games you shouldn't play with your significant other this Valentine's Day

It’s Valentine’s Day. And we all know what that means. Other people are enjoying themselves, and you’re trapped in a cycle of gloom that means you’re probably going to die alone. But is there anything you can do to break out of that cycle? Probably loads, yeah. But within the remit of AppSpy? Er, probably not, no. This is a mobile gaming site after all. With that in mind, here is a list of games that you should play tonight to make sure that you remain alone for the rest of your life. You’re most welcome. The Room Series There’s nothing like the dank confines of a gloomy Victorian mansion to really destroy any chance you’ve got of ever smiling…

The Tuesday Best of - Lego games

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 11 months ago
The Tuesday Best of - Lego games

It’s Tuesday. Happy Tuesday. Well done on making it this far into another week. Get ready for people saying confusing things about hump day to you tomorrow though. Sorry about that. Today though we’re going to take one of our usual looks at three of the best games in a specific genre on the App Store. But what genre to pick? Whaaaaat genre? How about the best Lego games on iOS? Since they’re mostly on sale at the moment because that Lego Batman game has come out. You can click on the name of the game to be taken to the App Store. But which ones should you get? Why not… THESE ONES. The Lego Movie Video Game How could a game based on the Lego Movie be bad? The a…

5 games you should play with your significant other this Valentine's Day

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 11 months ago
5 games you should play with your significant other this Valentine's Day

Love is in the air. Or it might be the sulphurous emanations of the portal to hell that this whole world seems to be getting sucked deeper and deeper into everyday. Either way, it’s Valentine’s day tomorrow. And that means I’m going to have to create some content. Because I just love that sweet SEO. Mmmmm, come to me SEO, dance with me in the moonlight and tell me of your many secrets. Anyway, in this here piece of super on point internet writing, I’m going to tell you the three games you should definitely play with your significant other tomorrow. Because spread the love and all that. The Room Series So it’s not multiplayer, but that’s not the point…

The Monday Musing - How Infinity Blade ruined mobile action games

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 11 months ago
The Monday Musing - How Infinity Blade ruined mobile action games

Time for the Monday Musing then. What shall I muse about this Monday? What caught my eye last week the deserves 350-ish words of semi-coherent ranting about? Oh, I'll tell you what, let's do something about Lords of the Fallen. It's a subpar Infinity Blade clone with an eye-wateringly high price tag. And it's stuffed full of IAPs as well. And that got me thinking. And as I thought, my mind wandering to strange and grim places, I came up with this. Infinity Blade ruined mobile action gaming. You see, the thing is, Infinity Blade did that big budget mobile action thing really, really well. And in doing so it unwittingly set a template. It laid a foundation for the annihilation of the entire…

Fire Emblem: Heroes - The complete guide

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 11 months ago
Fire Emblem: Heroes - The complete guide

Here you'll find all five parts of our guide to Nintendo's really quite good casual mobile RPG, Fire Emblem: Heroes. We cover a lot in this one, so if you want to get the most out of the game then it's definitely worth having a look over what we've got to say. Part one - The basics Part two - Units and the weapon triangle Part three - Levelling up, skills, and rewards Part four - Challenges, friends, and training Part five - Advanced tips…

The 5 best iPad and iPhone games this week - 12th February

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 11 months ago
The 5 best iPad and iPhone games this week - 12th February

It’s Sunday. And that can only mean one thing. We’re all horribly sad that the weekend has come to such a horrible yet inevitable conclusion. But there’s still time for one more thing. And it’s this one thing - a list of the five best games that came out last week. In no particular order, rather presented in the order that they came to me while I was sat on my sofa wondering what went wrong with my life. Join us next week for more exciting content about the world of mobile games. And probably a bunch of other stuff as well. Maybe sandwiches? I really like sandwiches. Voyageur A text-based adventure with its own unique style. It might get a little bit repetitive…

The Godfather game is out, here are some other films that could be mobile games

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 11 months ago
The Godfather game is out, here are some other films that could be mobile games

There’s a Godfather game out right now on the App Store. A tie-in to a film that came out more than forty years ago. Let’s be honest here, it’s not something any of us have been clamouring for in that time. But it did set my thinking about which other classic films I’d “like” to see getting the mobile game treatment. In my defence it’s Friday and it’s been a very long week. So here’s a list of other legendary movies that I think would make excellent mobile games. And by excellent I almost certainly mean absolutely terrible. The Deer Hunter A harrowing tale of survival and terror in the deep south. An allegorical story of how violence…

Fire Emblem: Heroes guide - Part Five - Advanced tips

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 11 months ago
Fire Emblem: Heroes guide - Part Five - Advanced tips

In this last part of our Fire Emblem: Heroes guide we’re going to look at some more advanced tactics to set you on the road to heroic glory. We’re going to focus on tricks you should use in battle to get the most out of your characters, with one eye on the sort of tips that are useful no matter what the makeup of your army is. We hope you’ve enjoyed reading the guide as much as we’ve enjoyed writing it, and make sure you keep coming back to AppSpy for more hints and tips on the biggest mobile games in the not-too-distant future. Keep your rangers safe Your ranged units are going to get in trouble as soon as they get attacked by a melee unit, since they can’t…

The Thursday Find - Heart Star

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 11 months ago
The Thursday Find - Heart Star

This week's Thursday find is all about hearts. Which is sort of fitting since it's Valentine's Day next week and that's all about hearts too (well, sort of, but this isn't really the place to discuss that. Have a Google). It's a platforming puzzler with some nice touches and an impressive chunk of levels. And it's out right now. And you can grab it by clicking the emboldened name just below the next paragraph. But what's it called? What's it all about? Why am I still splurging out so much preamble? Those are all good questions, so let's go and answer some of them. Heart Star Heart Star is a game about getting two characters to the same spot. The controls are simple – you've got but…

Lords of the Fallen is out right now on iPad and iPhone, here's everything you need to know

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 11 months ago
Lords of the Fallen is out right now on iPad and iPhone, here's everything you need to know

Lords of the Fallen is a new mobile game that has ties with the console game of the same name. So we thought it'd make sense to give you a breakdown of just what that means. So here, in handy list form, is everything you need to know about the game that just hit the App Store. Well, almost everything. We don't know any hacks or anything crazy like that. It's premium And when I say premium, I mean super premium. You're looking at a ten pound spend to get the game installed on your device. Which is, well, pretty expensive in this day and age, let's be honest. But it also has consumable IAPs. They're not necessary to complete the game or anything like that, but one of them costs £48.9…

The best games on sale on iPhone and iPad right now - February 8th

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 11 months ago
The best games on sale on iPhone and iPad right now - February 8th

Wednesday, Wednesday, gotta write a list of the best games on sale on the App Store on Wednesday. Everybody's looking forward to reading and consuming the list, then acting on its suggestions. That was a pretty catchy song, I think you'll agree. And it also managed to spell out exactly what I'm up to in this here list. All that stuff I said up there. Wicked. If you like the look of any of the games, then you can click on their emboldened names to be taken to the App Store, where you can download them to your heart's content. Probably just once, but that's more than none, right? Bertram Fiddle: Episode 1: A Dreadly Business – 99p / 99c A tongue-in-cheek point and click adventure w…

Fire Emblem: Heroes guide - Part four - Challenges, friends, and training

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 11 months ago
Fire Emblem: Heroes guide - Part four - Challenges, friends, and training

In this part of our Fire Emblem: Heroes guide we're going to have a look at how you can get the most out of every play session, avoiding IAPs in the process. The best idea is to focus on gathering resources, toughening up your team, and hitting the challenges. We're going to break that down for you in slightly more complex chunks though. Join us tomorrow when we'll be covering some tips and strategies you're going to need when you're deeper into the game. Don't worry, you don't have to thank us. Well, me. You don't have to thank me. What are the challenges? It's a good idea to check the challenges and quests regularly so you know what you're aiming for. The game is fun to play whatever y…