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Brew Town is a build-your-own-brewery simulator, heading to iOS and Android in March

News By Christian Valentin, 7 years ago
Brew Town is a build-your-own-brewery simulator, heading to iOS and Android in March

Management sims have always been a thriving little niche on mobile, between entries such as Game Dev Story and Motorsport Manager. Coming next month, Brew Town promises an unique premise for the genre, letting you start and expand a brewery empire. From small beginnings, you’ll be able to unlock dozens of structures and beer flavors, using your business’ earnings to grow into a sprawling compound encompassing bars, manufacturing, and shipment. With success comes new receipes to widen your brewery‘s assortment of beers, as missions and leaderships to test your management prowess. For creative players, Brew Town even lets you create and customize your beer bottles and log…

Plague Inc. to receive Dawn of the Planet of the Apes update

News By Alex Beech, 10 years, 7 months ago
Plague Inc. to receive Dawn of the Planet of the Apes update

Ndemic Creations superb viral outbreak simulator Plague Inc. is about to receive another update, this time featuring content from Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. The simian flu featured in the movie kills humans, while also making apes smarter. This disease adds a new layer to the plague-spreading gameplay, because - on top of trying to keep the virus one step ahead of a cure - you will also be able to actively sabotage mankind's efforts to stop it by guiding your new primate pals. Communicating with your superior-simian friends as they spread the disease, you can guide them to smash research labs or keep them safe from detection while you try to crown them the new rulers of the pla…

Peter Molyneux’s Godus has been soft launched on the New Zealand App Store

News By Alex Beech, 10 years, 9 months ago
Peter Molyneux’s Godus has been soft launched on the New Zealand App Store

Peter Molyneux’s 22Cans has just soft launched Godus, the Populous creator's latest god sim, on the New Zealand App Store. Asking you to omnipotently rule over the settlers of an island, Godus initially puts you in charge of only two people. By caring for them and editing the landscape to suit their needs, they will begin to populate the island and allow you to grow in power as their civilization develops. This god simulator first launched on PC last September, but is only now making its way to iPad and iPhone. Adding touchscreen controls to the geometry shifting gameplay should be an ideal fit, allowing you expand or erode the landscape with a simple swipe of the screen.…

Epidemic sim Plague Inc. gets new scenarios and difficulty mode

News By Alex Beech, 10 years, 10 months ago
Epidemic sim Plague Inc. gets new scenarios and difficulty mode

Plague Inc.’s latest "Mega" update adds four new scenarios, and an additional Mega-Brutal difficulty mode, to the game's disease-ridden playground. The new difficulty level brings the game’s hardest challenge yet. Random medical checks will now be in place, along with research and tech improvements, to fight your attempts to infect the globe. This will require you to constantly adapt your disease if it's to stand a chance of successfully eradicating humanity. To further test the resilience of your illness, Plague Inc.’s four new scenarios will have you facing a host of challenges. These include trying to adapt and survive in a world of artificial organs, and even trying&n…