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Mass Effect Andromeda might be out soon, but the original should come to iPhone, iPad, and Android

Feature By Harry Slater, 8 years ago
Mass Effect Andromeda might be out soon, but the original should come to iPhone, iPad, and Android

Mass Effect Andromeda is so close I can almost taste it. It's just there, just out of reach, waiting for me to cuddle and squeeze all of the spacey goodness out of it. I mean this is legitimately the only game I'm excited about. But excitement is no good. It's useless. What we need is content. Glorious content covered in all of the things that make us so happy and glad to be alive in this time of all of that content that's happening. So I've whipped up a little list about why the original Mass Effect should definitely come to mobile. I don't think I'd be able to contain my glee if it did. Mainly because I'd have a lot of glee. Agree? Disagree? You're a spam bot? Let us know in the comment…

The Thursday Find - Puff

Feature By Harry Slater, 8 years ago
The Thursday Find - Puff

Thursday has stumbled into the building like a bedraggled shopper trying to avoid a buffeting from the wind and the rain. It's dripping all over the place, making all sorts of mess. But that doesn't mean that we have to treat it with cruelty. Instead, let's show Thursday how much we love it by telling it all about one of the most interesting games that's come out on the App Store over the last 24 hours. This one's a simple creature, but there's a lot of fun to be had with its manic shooting. It's called Puff, and if you click the emboldened name of it just below the end of this paragraph, you'll be whisked away to the App Store where you can download it. Puff – Free Puff is a three…

Horizon Zero Dawn will never come to iPad and iPhone, but here are some games to play instead

Feature By Harry Slater, 8 years ago
Horizon Zero Dawn will never come to iPad and iPhone, but here are some games to play instead

Horizon Zero Dawn is, if you'll forgive the pun, on the horizon. Is that even a pun? I can't decide. Anyway, it's coming out next week. It's a big shiny action RPG from the developer behind Killzone, and it's getting some pretty good reviews. But here at AppSpy we only really like big shiny things if they fit in our pockets. Like medium sized emeralds. But more like mobile games. And that got me thinking, since Horizon Zero Dawn isn't coming to mobile, what could we play instead? Well, we could play these games. They might not be as polished, they might not have as many buttons, and all-in-all they probably won't be as good as Horizon Zero Dawn. But they might pass the time, and sometimes…

The best games on sale on iPhone and iPad right now - February 22nd

Feature By Harry Slater, 8 years ago
The best games on sale on iPhone and iPad right now - February 22nd

Oh hi. Didn't see you there lurking in the darkened corner of the internet. What are you looking for? Is it the best deals on the App Store right now? Because if it is you've come to the right place. Wednesday is when we grab the App Store by the ankles, turn it upside down, and shake it until the best games for the cheapest prices come spilling out. Then we rake through them and tell you which ones you should buy. There are some gems here, and one of the biggest price drops we've seen in a good long while. And you can click on the emboldened name of the games in the list below to be whisked to their App Store page. And then you can buy them. What a lovely way to spend your time. Adventur…

Tower Keepers - Here's everything you need to know about the new iPad and iPhone game

Feature By Harry Slater, 8 years ago
Tower Keepers - Here's everything you need to know about the new iPad and iPhone game

Tower Keepers is a game about heroes that live in a tower. I mean I'm pretty sure that much is obvious from the name. What might not be so obvious is what the game's actually about. After all, sounds like another tower defence title, yeah? NO. It's actually a casual RPG with some interesting twists and PvP modes. And I've found all of this out so you don't have to go searching for information from other, lesser content hubs. Like your friends, or whatever. So here, in easy to digest form, is a breakdown of everything you need to know about Tower Keepers. Oh, and click the emboldened name of the game below this paragraph and you'll be able to download it from the App Store. Bish bash bosh.…

The Tuesday best of - Political games on iPad and iPhone

Feature By Harry Slater, 8 years ago
The Tuesday best of - Political games on iPad and iPhone

Games can be fun. Games can be a lovely distraction from the horrible reality of the world we have to spend most of our time in. But they can also shine a light on some of the darkness that we prefer to avoid. Which leads us to this week's Tuesday Best-of. We're going to have a look at three of the best politically charged games you can grab from the App Store. It sort of seemed like a good idea, what with the world collapsing into an ever-more likely third world war. These games are going to take you to places that maybe you don't want to go. They're going to ask questions that maybe you don't want to answer. But they're important, and if you haven't played them yet, then you should. Oh,…

How to play Blocky Snowboarding on iPad and iPhone

Feature By Harry Slater, 8 years ago
How to play Blocky Snowboarding on iPad and iPhone

Who doesn't like snowboarding? And with global warming set to make all the snow disappear, what better way to experience the thrills of sliding down a mountain than with a mobile game? Best not to answer that, actually. Anyway, Blocky Snowboarding came out last week, and it's actually not completely terrible. In fact it's so not completely terrible I thought I'd write up some tips and tricks to make sure you're getting the most out of shredding the powder. I don't know if that's a snowboarding term and quite frankly I don't care. Anyway, enough passive aggressive preamble. Here's a breakdown of some of the skills you're going to have to master, as well as a few ideas you're going to have t…

The Monday Musing - Is NOVA Legacy a step in the wrong direction for mobile?

Feature By Harry Slater, 8 years ago
The Monday Musing - Is NOVA Legacy a step in the wrong direction for mobile?

Hello there. It's Monday. And we all know what that means around these parts. It's time to have a ruminate about one of the big things that's happened to mobile gaming in the past 7 days. But what shall we talk about today team? Well, I think it's only right that we have a ponder on the concept of the mobile remastering. After all, Gameloft has announced that it's going to release a spruced up version of its sort-of-classic Halo-aping shooter NOVA. The game is going to be called NOVA Legacy (sorry, I'm not putting all those dots in its name, and let's be honest you're not going to be doing that when you're searching for information about the game, either), and it's going to retell the stor…

Last week on Pocket Gamer - 20th February

Feature By Jon Mundy, 8 years ago
Last week on Pocket Gamer - 20th February

Each week we peer nosily over the fence of our neighbours at PocketGamer. It’s a handy way to catch up on what’s going on in the wider world of portable gaming. PG is as obsessed with mobile gaming as we are, you see, but it also incorporates handheld consoles. If you can play it on the bus, they’re there. Here are the hot topics that have been getting the PocketGamer mob excited over the past seven days or so. The first mobile remaster We’re used to seeing movies, albums, and even console games remastered. We learned last week that Gameloft will become the first developer to remaster a smartphone game. That game is everyone’s favourite mobile Halo-a-like F…

Who has the best iPad and iPhone games, DC or Marvel?

Feature By Harry Slater, 8 years ago
Who has the best iPad and iPhone games, DC or Marvel?

Injustice 2 has just been soft-launched in a few countries. So our much more effective video arm has grabbed some footage to show you what to expect from the kicky punch super hero game. To summaries - if you’ve played the first game on mobile you’re going to know exactly what to expect. Capes, swipes, and some card collecting too. Why don’t you just watch the video below and you’ll get the idea. But this all made me wonder - which comic publisher has the best games on the App Store? And as we all know, the only way to settle things in comic book world is with a massive scrap. So here goes, Marvel vs DC, to the death, winner gets to keep their underwear on outside…

Here's our beginners guide to Slayaway Camp on iPad and iPhone

Feature By Harry Slater, 8 years ago
Here's our beginners guide to Slayaway Camp on iPad and iPhone

Slayaway Camp is a brilliant new action game that sees you taking on the role of a pyshotic killer. Not in a weird way though. It’s an homage to the finest era of the slasher movie - the 80’s - when no teen was safe from the hacking blows of some maniac swamp-dweller. So I thought I’d write up a little bit of a guide for the game, so you know what you’re going to be doing when you get started. I mean, you’re going to be murdering super cute little polygon people, but there’s more to it than that. Here then are some hints and tips to get you up to speed. Oh, and if you want to download the game just bash the link in the emboldened name just below the end…

The Thursday Find - Evergrow

Feature By Harry Slater, 8 years ago
The Thursday Find - Evergrow

Thursday has rumbled around like a thing that rumbles around every seven days. And that means it's time to dig up a gem from the games that came out this week and tell you why you should think about giving it a go. It's been a pretty good week for mobile gaming as well, so deciding what I should tell you to grab was pretty tricky. Fret ye not though, because I got there in the end. You can click on the emboldened name of the game just below this paragraph if you want to download it. And I think you should. But what is it? Well, what indeed. It's... Evergrow - £2.99 / $2.99 Evergrow mashes together a few genres and comes up with something that's actually pretty special. You're in co…

The 3 best Tin Man Games adventures you can play on your iPad and iPhone

Feature By Harry Slater, 8 years ago
The 3 best Tin Man Games adventures you can play on your iPad and iPhone

Tin Man Games has got a new version of the classic gamebook The Warlock of Firetop Mountain coming out next week, so I thought this was a pretty good time to look at some of the company’s other games and decide which three are the best. Yeah, that’s right, it’s time for one of those articles where I make subjective choices about games in order to get you riled up and shouting at me in the comments. Alas though, it never really works. Anyway, if you’re just starting your Tin Man journey, these three games are the ones you should be starting with. And if you click on their emboldened names you’ll be taken to the App Store where you can download them. Awwwwww yea…

The best games on sale on iPad and iPhone right now - February 15th

Feature By Harry Slater, 8 years ago
The best games on sale on iPad and iPhone right now - February 15th

It’s Wednesday, the middle of the week, and that means it’s time for us to have a long hard look at five of the best games that are on sale on the App Store right now. And for the first time in a while it’s actually been pretty tough to pick which ones to add to the list. Basically everything here is a gem, and there are other gems on sale as well. But I’m a discerning gem-picker with an eye for quality, so these are the ones I’ve gone for. Click on the emboldened name of the game and you’ll be whisked away to the App Store where you can buy the game. You’re welcome. Motorsport Manager - Free Where the likes of New Star Soccer kick around whims…

5 games you shouldn't play with your significant other this Valentine's Day

Feature By Harry Slater, 8 years ago
5 games you shouldn't play with your significant other this Valentine's Day

It’s Valentine’s Day. And we all know what that means. Other people are enjoying themselves, and you’re trapped in a cycle of gloom that means you’re probably going to die alone. But is there anything you can do to break out of that cycle? Probably loads, yeah. But within the remit of AppSpy? Er, probably not, no. This is a mobile gaming site after all. With that in mind, here is a list of games that you should play tonight to make sure that you remain alone for the rest of your life. You’re most welcome. The Room Series There’s nothing like the dank confines of a gloomy Victorian mansion to really destroy any chance you’ve got of ever smiling…