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The Monday Musing - What do we want to see from the iPhone 8?

Feature By Harry Slater, 8 years, 2 months ago
The Monday Musing - What do we want to see from the iPhone 8?

Ah Monday, what a perfect time to get introspective and think about some of the things that are going on in mobile gaming right now. But what is going on in mobile gaming right now? Not a lot, so let's put on our special magical future-looking spectacles and have a peer into the future of that sort of gaming what we all love so much. There'll be a new iPhone next year. There might even be two, who knows? 2017 does mark the tenth anniversary of the world-changing handset after all. But what do we want to see in the iPhone 8? What does Apple need to do to make sure it stays ahead of the gaming handset curve? Well, how about some of this stuff? More 3D Touch For gaming, 3D Touch could be…

We've got an exclusive new trailer for Galaxy on Fire 3 - Manticore for iOS

Feature By Harry Slater, 8 years, 2 months ago
We've got an exclusive new trailer for Galaxy on Fire 3 - Manticore for iOS

Galaxy on Fire 3 - Manticore is set to hit the App Store this Thursday. That's right, on December 8th you'll be able to fly around firing lasers at things and having a right old giggle. Sounds good, yeah? Well how's this for another sound that you might like? Here at AppSpy we've got an exclusive video that you're not going to be able to see anywhere else until tomorrow. That's pretty much what exclusive means, so you've learned something new today as well. Without further ado here is that EXCLUSIVE video. Yup, exclusive. I keep saying exclusive and I'm not entirely sure why. As you can see the video introduces some of the mercenaries who are going to be on your side in the big space th…

5 other apps that should have games like Facebook Messenger

Feature By Harry Slater, 8 years, 2 months ago
5 other apps that should have games like Facebook Messenger

Yeah it’s another feature based around Facebook Messenger. That’s just the sort of thing that’s going to happen this week. And since this week is almost over, it might stop happening quite soon. Anyway, Facebook Messenger has games, as I’m sure you’ve noticed. So I wondered what other apps should have games? And why should they have games? And how many words could I suck out of this idea to form into a feature? Here then, for your reading pleasure, is the culmination of those three thoughts. Which I’m sure you’re going to agree is super, super, super exciting. Tinder Swiping left and right might be fun, but what if we turned the dating game into…

The 5 best iPad and iPhone games this week - 2nd December

Feature By Harry Slater, 8 years, 2 months ago
The 5 best iPad and iPhone games this week - 2nd December

It’s not been the most inspiring week for iOS gamers. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t some gems out there in the murk. Plus you could probably save your money for next week, or the week after, or your college education or whatever. We’ve had a dig around and found these five games that we reckon are more than worthy of some of your attention on iOS this week. Most of them are free, and then some of them are not free. Oh my it has been a long week. Anyway, here’s that list. Enjoy it, and let’s regroup on Monday with increased vigour and spirit, yeah? Apollo Justice Ace Attorney It’s been a while coming, but this will be welcomed by fans of sh…

5 games that we'd love to see on Facebook Messenger

Feature By Harry Slater, 8 years, 2 months ago
5 games that we'd love to see on Facebook Messenger

Well Facebook Messenger has games now. We talked about it yesterday, remember? Probably not, your short term memory has likely been eroded by memes and gifs and I don’t know what else people use the internet for. Anyway, while there are some pretty decent little arcade games in the Messenger package, I got thinking about which other games I’d like to see making use of the new HTML5 protocols that Facebook is rolling out. So here’s a list of some games that I think would be brilliant as Messenger games. Feel free to add your own in the comments, if you feel like it. It’s entirely up to you. Be nice to know I wasn’t talking to myself though. Angry Birds Rath…

The Thursday Find - Colt Express

Feature By Harry Slater, 8 years, 2 months ago
The Thursday Find - Colt Express

It’s always nice when something surprises you. Well, it’s always nice when something surprises you in a nice way. Like a snake in the toilet isn’t a nice surprise. Unless you’ve lost your snake. Anyway, this week’s Thursday find is just that - a surprise. It’s a game that clicks and fizzes in some interesting ways, that blends action and strategy. And the surprise is it’s based on a boardgame. So here’s why Colt Express is worthy of your attention, even if you don’t like boardgames. Or the Wild West. Or finding snakes in your toilet. Actually probably not that last one. Colt Express Usually when you see someone talking about a board…

The 5 best Facebook Messenger games you should be playing right now

Feature By Harry Slater, 8 years, 2 months ago
The 5 best Facebook Messenger games you should be playing right now

Facebook Messenger now has games in it. I’ve only just managed to get to grips with it having gifs. And don’t get me started on stickers. What even are stickers? Anyway there’s quite a lot of games on there. 17 to be precise. But which are the best ones to play with your friends? Well your time is precious, and we can’t expect you to spend any of it figuring things like that out. But our time here at AppSpy is pretty much worthless. So here are the five Facebook Messenger games that you should start off your Facebook Messenger gaming career with. You’re welcome. Shuffle Cats Mini A clever little shooting gallery that sees you flicking cards at other cards…

The 5 best games on sale on iPad and iPhone right now - November 30th

Feature By Harry Slater, 8 years, 2 months ago
The 5 best games on sale on iPad and iPhone right now - November 30th

The fact of the matter is we all like to save a bit of money. Maybe it’s eating mouldy bread every now and then, or finding leftover foreign currency and trying to get it exchanged even when you know there’s probably not enough for a sandwich there and it’s going to be really embarrassing. And that’s where this new regular feature comes in. Every Wednesday we’re going to have a long hard look at the five best games that are on sale on the App Store. We’ll point you in the right direction to make your money go that little bit further. And the names of the games will take you to the App Store. Even better! So without further ado, here are this week’…

4 non-Final Fantasy mobile RPGs that you need to play right now

Feature By Harry Slater, 8 years, 2 months ago
4 non-Final Fantasy mobile RPGs that you need to play right now

The impact of the Final Fantasy series really can’t be diminished. But let’s not kid ourselves that it’s the only kid on the block. In fact on mobile the whole series is a bit on the expensive side. So with that in mind I thought I’d put together a list of other RPGs that are also worth your attention. I mean, that’s pretty much my job after all, telling you good things that you should go and play. And these are all games that you can only play on mobile. So no ports, no reimaginations, just games that were built from the ground up to fit in your pocket. The way all good games should be built. Here is that list, in all of its glory. If you’ve got your o…

The Tuesday Best of - Mobile Final Fantasy games

Feature By Harry Slater, 8 years, 2 months ago
The Tuesday Best of - Mobile Final Fantasy games

Final Fantasy 15 has finally come out on consoles. It’s fair to say that this one has been a long time coming. But what does that mean for gamers of a more mobile persuasion? Er, not that much really. But that doesn’t mean we can’t take a look back at the FF series on mobile and make sweeping statements about which entrants are the best. So that’s exactly what we’re going to do in this week’s Tuesday Best Of. We’re going to pick the three best Final Fantasy games on mobile. Some of them might surprise you. Some of them might upset you. But all of them are really, really good, and I’m not all that bothered whether you agree or not. Feel free…

The 5 best haircuts in iPhone and iPad gaming

Feature By Harry Slater, 8 years, 2 months ago
The 5 best haircuts in iPhone and iPad gaming

Sometimes you just have to write about the first thing that comes into your head. So that’s exactly what I’m doing. I don’t know why this came into my head, but here is a list of the best haircuts on the App Store. Now you may not have seen my hair, but I can tell you right now that it’s probably the most amazing hair that anyone has ever had on their head. It’s just really good. Accept it. I’m telling you this to prove that my credentials for writing this list are solid. I know hair. I know mobile games. I’m pretty surprised I haven’t written this list before if I’m honest with you. Anyway, here it is. Enjoy. Cloud Strife I think…

The Monday Musing - Final Fantasy XV and mobile ports

Feature By Harry Slater, 8 years, 2 months ago
The Monday Musing - Final Fantasy XV and mobile ports

Whether you like it or not, there’s been a huge influx of ports on the App Store over recent years. As the power of the hardware has caught up with recent consoles, devs are looking more and more to their back catalogues for gems they can release on mobile. But what’s the most important thing about a mobile port, and how can you as a consumer pick the duds out from the classics? Well that’s what this week’s Monday musing is about. And it seems fitting with the release of Final Fantasy XV this week, since that’s a game that’s probably going to end up on the iPhone 32 S in about 15 years time. So let’s leap into the this the only way I know how - fac…

The 5 best games that have Black Friday discounts on iPad and iPhone

Feature By Harry Slater, 8 years, 3 months ago
The 5 best games that have Black Friday discounts on iPad and iPhone

Okay so we might have found other things we could do with our money yesterday, but now we're going to have a look at the very best games you can get for dirt cheap on the App Store right now. Because that seemed like a good idea, I guess. There are lots of games on sale, as you might expect. But I'm not the sort that's going to give you an exhaustive list. I'm the sort that's going to cherry pick the games he likes and then tell you why you should definitely spend some money on. If you must. Therefore, without further ado or hesitation, here are the five games that, if you don't have them already, you should definitely be spending money on this Black Friday. Peace. Out There A dark and…

The 5 best iPad and iPhone games this week - 25th November

Feature By Harry Slater, 8 years, 3 months ago
The 5 best iPad and iPhone games this week - 25th November

Another week has wandered past like a friend you only ever see briefly. Now as it disappears into the middle distance we like to call the recent past, it’s time to take a moment to consider just what happened over the past seven days. I mean, not consider consider, let’s not get too introspective here. I’m sure we’ve all done terrible things since last Friday, but let’s just move on and not dwell on them. Instead let’s look at some games that came out recently. Phew, dodged a bullet there. Okay here’s the best five games that came out this week. To be honest it hasn’t been the best week, but then all those Americans are giving thanks for thei…

4 things you should do with your money rather than buying mobile games in the Thanksgiving sale

Feature By Harry Slater, 8 years, 3 months ago
4 things you should do with your money rather than buying mobile games in the Thanksgiving sale

It’s Thanksgiving time in America. I really only understand what that means from films that I’ve seen, so I’m sure all you Americans are up to hijinks and shenanigans with turkeys and footballs. But Thanksgiving also means sales! Cheap things! Games that don’t cost quite as much as they did a few days ago! Black Friday! Cyber Monday! All of those things are essentially anathema to me though. So instead of making a list of the ways you could save yourself a few quid this Thanksgiving weekend, here’s a list of the things you could do with your money instead that might actually benefit the world. Support a charity So you’ve got some money to spend, but ra…